Saturday, December 3, 2011

Chestnut , Horse (Hippocastanum vulgare) كستنا ، كستناء ، الكستنا ، الكستناء ، ابو فروة

Scientific name of the chestnut:

Aesculus Hippocastanum

Parts used:

Crust and fruit


Central and northern Asia, including Antqlb to England in the mid-sixteenth century.

Derivation of the name Aesculus from the word Esca any food, which is the name given to the species of oak, and a tree chestnuts are grown in Europe for things decorative and ornamental in cities and private gardens and parks and boulevards of any streets, planted the trees, blooming flowers, spring to give the scenery beautiful.


Fruit contains the following articles:

• Water
oil, protein exchange

Medical uses:

Crust influence tonic and antipyretic drug, and the chaff coating used on wounds and sores.

The fruit is used in the treatment of rheumatism and neuralgia any aches caused by the nerve.

And the fruit is also used in the problems and diseases of the rectum and diseases of the internal and external hemorrhoids.

And has been providing meals to the scalp Abu chestnut cow, sheep and pigs, for cattle have increased weight, and for sheep effect was well without any disease, but for the pigs did not nearly chestnut meal.

The chestnuts and nutritious food for pets.

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